A Brown Girl's Epiphany

Reclaim Your Intuition and Step into Your Power

A Brown Girl's Epiphany

Reclaim Your Intuition and Step into Your Power

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You already have all you need to step into the fullness of your power.

Each of us has traumas, triggers, and painful experiences that have shaped our existence in this world. We carry these burdens with us as we navigate the realities of our lives. Learning to embody the truth of imago Dei is our catalyst for healing. We are each made in the image of God, and the Spirit of God lives within us. Therefore, we are allowed to listen to our Spirit. We are invited to develop our own Divine intuition, and we are empowered to trust our inner voice. We don't need anyone else's permission to navigate our life and faith, except our own.

With the powerful voice of a woman, pastor, mother, and advocate, Rev. Aurelia Dávila Pratt gives us the compassionate nudge and tools we need to access our inner authority. By stepping out of harmful belief systems informed by white supremacy and scarcity, we can step into healthy paradigms of abundance, liberation, and power. A Brown Girl's Epiphany is a love letter to all of us in need of guidance on our journey. Honest, vulnerable, and humble, Pratt imagines a world where the walking wounded become the fully healed and liberated, where our inner work becomes the starting point for creating heaven on earth.

Dive deeper with the A Brown Girl’s Epiphany Reflection and Discussion Guide--perfect for group or individual study and reflection.


"We need more brave storytellers in this world, and Aurelia Pratt is one of them. Her words are a gift to Brown women, to remember that you are not alone, and a gift to white folks, to remember that creating a better world requires the work of us all."

Kaitlin Curtice, author of Native: Identity, Belonging, and Rediscovering God

"A Brown Girl's Epiphany is a brave and bold invitation to step out of the spaces and frameworks that keep us from our fullness--and to step into our own liberation. With honesty and vulnerability, Aurelia Dávila Pratt takes us on her journey of healing in this powerful and deeply personal debut. It is a sacred gift to us all."

Kat Armas, author of Abuelita Faith and host of The Protagonistas podcast

"I wish I had this book when I was growing up, so that I knew how to let go of the bull and lean into my power. This book is a revolutionary epiphany and will help any of us who are multiply marginalized step into the divine power that we enflesh."

Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD, author of Body Becoming: A Path to Our Liberation and Activist Theology

"Aurelia Dávila Pratt's work is an offering to the Brown girls like me--the ones who heard whiteness tell them they were too ugly, heard society tell them they were too much, heard the church tell them they were too sinful. It is an invitation to let go and to explore the fullness of who we are, where we've come from, and how we want to be in the world."

AnaYelsi Velasco-Sanchez, educator, consultant, writer, and artist; founder of En Conjunto, co-curator of the Digital Dine-In Project

"Aurelia Pratt's story is as contagious as it is courageous, inviting us to remember and recover our true selves and to come alive to the beautiful mystery within, around, and beyond us."

Rev. Michael-Ray Mathews, deputy director and Chief Faith Officer of Faith in Action; host of the Prophetic Resistance Podcast

"Aurelia Dávila Pratt's words are more than an invitation--they are a sacred nudge inspiring the once-silenced, once-small flame within you to burst forth boldly and brilliantly, no longer afraid to shine. If you've ever struggled to trust yourself, to know your worth, or to take up your space in the world, this book is for you."

Rev. Kyndall Rae Rothaus, author of Thy Queendom Come and Preacher Breath; cofounder and executive director of Nevertheless She Preached

"A Brown Girl's Epiphany is the book I wish I'd had when I was a young Latina struggling with my identity. For those of us forced by oppressive systems to disconnect from our racial and ethnic identities, this book offers the opportunity to heal our wounds and affirm our beauty and worth. This book will delight and challenge you as you discover your own epiphanies along the way."

Karen González, author of The God Who Sees and Beyond Welcome


Product Info

  • Publisher Broadleaf Books
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506480602
  • eBook ISBN 9781506481555
  • Dimensions 5.75 x 8.75
  • Pages 161
  • Publication Date September 13, 2022