Keys to Bonhoeffer's Haus

Exploring the World and Wisdom of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Keys to Bonhoeffer's Haus

Exploring the World and Wisdom of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Keys to Bonhoeffer's Haus tells his story in new ways and invites us to think beyond him into our own lives and civic responsibilities. Fabrycky shows readers how to consider what befriending Bonhoeffer might mean for us and the ways we live our lives today. Ultimately, through her transformative tour of Bonhoeffer's Berlin, she inspires readers to discover and embrace responsible forms of civic agency and loving, sacrificial action on behalf of our neighbors.


"Deeply personal and reflective, Keys to Bonhoeffer's Haus describes American ex-pat Laura M. Fabrycky's experiences giving tours at the Bonhoeffer-Haus during her husband's diplomatic assignment in Berlin. In our own turbulent era in European and American history, she offers profound and moving reflections on what history can teach us about living mindfully and faithfully."
—Dr. Victoria Barnett, General Editor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works English Edition
"Part biography, part travel memoir, and part call to action, this book challenges us to draw from Bonhoeffer's life the difficult, important, and often messy lessons of living a life worthy of one's calling. Bravo to Fabrycky for so thoughtfully connecting today's challenges to last century's darkest moments."
—Nicole Bibbins Sedaca, Professor at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
"In this marvelously engaging book, Fabrycky has given folks who may never visit the Bonhoeffer-Haus in Berlin a chance to unlock the doors and linger in its rooms. In these pages Bonhoeffer speaks to us again, and in new ways that are crucial for the journey of faith in our own day."
—Rev. Dr. Richard Mouw, Professor of Faith and Public Life, Fuller Theological Seminary
"With self-awareness, vulnerability, humility, and historical rigor, Fabrycky captains a journey that is as engrossing as it is instructive. While Bonhoeffer's times are not our times, there are echoes worth attending to: his keys to a discernment of public consequence, our   keys to private sanity and civic hope."
—Anne Snyder, editor-in-chief of Comment
"This is a terrific book, offering a personal and deeply moving reflection on the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Having served as a tour guide in Bonhoeffer's family home in Berlin, Laura M. Fabrycky moves easily between the past and present, illuminating Bonhoeffer's all-too-brief life while offering important insights into the relevancy of that life for the world in which we live today."
—Jonathan Addleton, former US Ambassador, author of Dust of Kandahar and Some Far and Distant Place
"To enter into Bonhoeffer's Haus, with Laura Fabrycky as an able and articulate guide, is to fire the moral imagination and to kindle important civic questions. Importantly, Fabrycky rescues Bonhoeffer from hagiography, and her own hausfrau -life insists that faithfulness is often modest in the making, accumulated by small gestures in the course of our ordinary days. For these politically turbulent times, Fabrycky's work is probing and urgent, rousing us to inventory our civic responsibilities--and care."
—Jen Pollock Michel, Author of Surprised by Paradox and Keeping Place
"Through engaging storytelling and clear writing, Keys to Bonhoeffer's Haus helps you feel as though you are actually touring Bonhoeffer's home with Laura M. Fabrycky--and with Dietrich himself. As you view Bonhoeffer's home, this book will impact how you view your own home as well, and will press you to ask, 'What does it mean to live faithfully as a Christian today?' I learned a great deal reading this book; you will too."
—Dr. J.R. Briggs, author, speaker, and founder of Kairos Partnerships


"Fabrycky's book goes a long way toward explaining the lure and continuing importance of engaging with Bonhoeffer and his legacy. Recommended for seekers of spiritually uplifting works sprinkled with nuggets of worldly wisdom."
—Library Journal

"Through her gripping narrative, Fabrycky compels us to live like Bonhoeffer."
—The Gospel Coalition

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506455914
  • eBook ISBN 9781506455921
  • Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 275
  • Publication Date March 24, 2020