Beatitude Attitudes

Exploring the Blessing of Christian Discipleship

Beatitude Attitudes

Exploring the Blessing of Christian Discipleship

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Few passages in Scripture are better loved than the Beatitudes. The verses have an innate beauty, a poetry about them that appeals to something deep within, but what do they actually mean? In this selection of readings, reflections, and prayers, Nick Fawcett seeks to explore what each of the eight Beatitudes has to say to us today. Drawn from his book Daily Lent Reflections, here are readings to encourage, renew, and inspire as we seek more faithfully to exhibit beatitude attitudes in our daily lives.

Product Info

  • Publisher Augsburg Books
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506459080
  • Dimensions 5 x 7
  • Pages 24
  • Publication Date February 4, 2020