Limping But Blessed

Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child

Limping But Blessed

Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child

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After the unexpected, accidental death of his three-year-old son, Jason Jones went on a long, painful journey to make sense of how God could have let this happen to his son and best friend, Jacob, and to their family. And he struggled intensely with his faith after everything he thought about God disintegrated on June 12, 2011.

In Limping But Blessed, Jones explores struggling with faith and belief, dealing with his depression and grief, and searching for hope in a hopeless situation. The book includes tales of his darkest days, correspondence he had with Christian theologians, and what he’s done to preserve his son’s legacy.

At some point in each of our lives, something goes terribly wrong, and our faith is shaken to the core. This book is the story of one man’s journey through the darkest time of life searching for answers and a grueling attempt to find a sliver of hope to keep holding on. 

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Author Jason Jones tells his story on the Newsworthy with Norsworthy podcast


Review on The Vallete Family blog

Review in the Christian Century


Beautifully written and brutally honest.

"In this beautifully written and brutally honest book, Jason Jones tells the story of the accidental death of his three-year old son, of his anger at God's apparent indifference, until he discovers God with him in his grief, and of his struggle to once again find joy and meaning in life, without forgetting his son or his grief. People in grief often think and say what they've been told they ought to think and say. Reading this gripping book will give them permission to be themselves: to cry out in grief, to be angry, to wrestle with their doubts."

Nicholas Wolterstorff | Yale University, author of "Lament for a Son"

A beautiful tapestry of tragedy, loss, redemption, and hope.

"Jason Jones weaves a beautiful tapestry of tragedy, loss, redemption, and hope in Limping But Blessed. This is a must-read for any parent, or human being, who has gone through significant loss."

Mike Berry | author of "Confessions of an Adoptive Parent: Hope and Help from the Trenches of Foster Care and Adoption "

I recommend this book to those who have stopped believing in God or stopped believing that life has meaning in the face of evil.

"It's hard for some to imagine the personal anguish that Jason Jones describes in this book. But for others, this story will seem painfully familiar. What makes Jason's telling of tragedy different, however, is that he faces his demons, doubts, and despair. And he discovers a way to think about God that makes sense, despite his questions and torment. I recommend this book to those who have stopped believing in God or stopped believing that life has meaning in the face of evil."

Thomas Jay Oord | author of "The Uncontrolling Love of God"

A moving and heart-achingly powerful book that will leave you hopeful, empathetic and forever changed.

"Limping But Blessed is a moving and heart-achingly powerful book that will leave you hopeful, empathetic and forever changed. Reading Jason’s story was a gift: of pure hope, of uninhibited love and of the raw struggle that finds us in our most broken places and allows God’s light to permeate that brokenness. I found myself tearfully grateful for the chance to walk alongside this family in their grief so that I may seek to better understand what that kind of devastation means to a family, to a marriage, to other relationships and friendships—and yet I also find immense joy in witnessing how the love for a precious little boy continues to transform hearts around the world. Limping But Blessed reveals that God’s grace filters into even the most heartbreaking points of our lives."

Courtney Westlake | author of "A Different Beautiful"

If you’ve ever struggled with doubt, this book is for you.

"If you’ve ever struggled with doubt, this book is for you. If you’ve ever questioned why God let’s bad things happen, struggled with pain and grief, been hurt by well-intentioned phrases like 'God has a plan,' or had to work to reconcile theology and experience, then this book is for you. Jason’s honesty and vulnerability allows us to know that we are not alone while pointing us towards redeeming pain and questions. There is a difference between redeeming pain and trying to reconcile it. The power of Jason and Jacob’s story shows us that it is in light of the questions, fear, pain, and doubt, not in spite of them, that redemption may just be possible."

J. J. Peterson

Jones's story filled my eyes with tears and my heart with hope.

"After the passing of his son, Jason asked his siblings, 'How am I going to make it?' If you've ever found yourself asking that question, this could be the book to help you find an answer. But what you will find here isn't a cheap solution to take away the suffering, instead what you will encounter is the God who suffers with you. Jason Jones's story filled my eyes with tears and my heart with hope. I hope it does the same for you."

Luke Norsworthy | pastor of Westover Hills Church and podcaster at "Newsworthy with Norsworthy"

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506409108
  • eBook ISBN 9781506409115
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 216
  • Publication Date April 1, 2017