Angry Like Jesus

Using His Example to Spark Your Moral Courage

Angry Like Jesus

Using His Example to Spark Your Moral Courage

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Few people realize that the Gospels include at least fifteen different stories about Jesus’ anger. When was Jesus angry? What was he angry about? Is Jesus’ anger relevant today? Is it right for a Christian to be angry? Although sinful anger cannot achieve the righteousness of God, godly anger can rouse a sleeping church. Godly anger lights a flame that fuels people to wake up and be truthful out loud, so that many (who don’t expect it) can be healed. Godly anger is powerful. It’s an aspect of real love. It ushers in true hope because it knows that God is faithful. It dares to take a risk because it trusts that God has its back.

Without the salt of Jesus’ anger, people accept what’s unacceptable. We allow what we shouldn’t allow. We don’t make changes we should make. We deceive ourselves into thinking that corruption doesn’t need to be opposed. Godly anger is not afraid. It assumes responsibility. It motivates us to confront things we wish did not exist. Jesus’ anger is God’s gift to help deliver us.​

Reviews and articles

Read Sarah Sumner's article about how to be angry like Jesus in Solutions Magazine, pg. 10-13.

Read an interview with Sarah Sumner in Christianity Today: "Hating the Way Jesus Hates: Why More Believers Need the Courage to Get Angry at Sin"

Read Sarah Sumner's post "Jesus' Anger or Trump's?" on Church United

Watch an interview with Sarah Sumner on The Hour of Power, 11/22/2015


"Startling and compelling, this forthright study cuts through the Stoicism and Pharisaism of our Western Christian heritage to highlight the searching sternness of Jesus' love and the place of holy anger in the healthy Christian life. Angry Like Jesus should make waves."

J. I. Packer | author of Knowing God

"In a world of corruption and cover-up, it is easy for us to become cynical. Instead, Sumner invites us to get angry with Jesus’ anger. Here is a compelling, biblically rich take on one of the least understood emotions within the church. With the Bible in one hand and this book in the other, we are given a gift: an invitation to allow even our anger to be refined and be made useful in the hands of God."

Katelyn Beaty | managing editor, Christianity Today

"As I have found with all of Sarah Sumner’s writing, this book makes you grapple with deep theological thoughts in hard-hitting, practical ways that will change your life for the better. Sumner brilliantly unmasks the false idea that anger and love can’t go together, and, in the process, helps the reader become more loving precisely by showing us how to be angry in healing ways."

John Burke | author of No Perfect People Allowed and Imagine Heaven

​"Sarah Sumner is a superb Christian thinker who does theology out of the depths. In this book she explores a theme well attested in the New Testament, but little discussed today: Jesus' anger."

Timothy George | Beeson Divinity School

"Angry Like Jesus is a powerful and needed rallying cry for a generation to look corruption in the face and say, 'It stops here with me!' Sarah Sumner is a catalyst and change-maker, masterfully showing how Jesus' anger is not what we have been taught to think it is, and how we become more alive, effective agents of change ourselves by embracing anger as Jesus modeled. On a personal level, Angry Like Jesus also brought healing and renewed purpose to some of the injustices in my own life, allowing me to see and experience them through a new lens. I highly recommend every person, young and old, read this book. Such a unique message."


Paul Angone | creator of and author of 101 Secrets for Your Twenties

"Angry Like Jesus offers the clearest and deepest exposition I've found on the theology of godly anger. Sarah Sumner shows us how such anger can mobilize Christians—lovingly, courageously, and responsibly—to become true peacemakers rather than passive, disingenuous peacekeepers. May God use this book to restore the integrity, honesty, hope, and fervor we in the church need to fulfill the Great Commission in our generation."


Hugh Ross | founder and president, Reasons to Believe

"Angry Like Jesus is a strikingly good book—clear, decisive and deeply thoughtful. Sarah Sumner makes good points on every page. I particularly appreciated the way she talks about her personal spiritual life, and how it has lessons for the entire church. Angry Like Jesus offers a profound and much-needed reflection on the nature of moral courage and the heart of Christian discipleship. What an enjoyable and essential read!"


Thomas G. Guarino | Seton Hall University

"Sarah Sumner has the uncanny ability to get to the heart of biblical truth with conviction and love. She moves the reader to a place where change is not simply an option, it's a necessity. This book is timely for western Christians. We are living in days where difficult biblical truth is avoided because of a lack of knowledge of how to handle it with love, grace and theological correctness. Sarah Sumner does all three. In calling Christians to integrity, she takes us a step closer to the heart of our Savior. This is a book you will read more than once."


Lina AbuJamra | author of Thrive: The Single Life as God Intended

"Angry Like Jesus helped me see God in a fresh way, showing me a different angle on God’s truth and love. At the same time, it made me think about my own anger, exposing my selfish motives while calling me to something greater that is yet more truthful and more loving. I couldn’t put this book down. It’s both challenging and insightful. A must-read."


Andrea Buczynski | vice president of Global Leadership Development, Campus Crusaide for Christ

"Sarah Sumner is salt for the Church. I finished her book and am undone. I have never heard or read a clear teaching on this subject. So many of the questions I have had about God's Word were answered. Her book was used by the Holy Spirit to illuminate the shadows in my soul. Though my hidden areas of hardness in my heart were pinpointed as I read, by the time I finished the book I felt a lightness of spirit and joyful thanksgiving. I'm buying copies of this book for my family and friends."

Susan Kimes | founder of Chosen Women

"I just finished reading Angry Like Jesus, and I loved it! Sarah Sumner’s original research and theological insights are ground-breaking."

Reverend Alfonso Gilbert | Second Baptist Church, Houston, TX

"Angry Like Jesus is about a faithful God, about the power and purpose of telling the truth in love, and about what it means to be the salt of the earth. Though I have known Sarah Sumner for years, I have never seen her angry. However, I have seen her act in truth on behalf of herself and others, even at personal cost. I resonate deeply with her desire to help others find moral courage."

Paul R. Jones | Simpson University

"It takes an author of deep religious conviction to write a book entitled Angry Like Jesus and then to present within it her own personal testimony with equal conviction. Sarah Sumner has the guts to tell the truth on paper. Her love for the Lord and commitment to the gospel is evident throughout the book."


Sister Judith Ann Heble, OSB | Moderator, Communio Internationalis Benedictinarum

"Sarah Sumner has provided her readers with a well-written, carefully crafted, persuasively presented argument for being Christ-like in an area of our lives that Christians often neglect. Not unlike the apostle Paul, she exhorts us to be agents of wisdom, hope, and love, and to do so by being angry without sin."

David S. Dockery | Trinity International University

"This book is amazing! Sarah Sumner has done a tremendous job of clarifying the confusion that lives around the emotion of anger. As I read, I was corrected and encouraged by the truth she shares. Sarah Sumner draws from so much Scripture that her words cut through the fog of incorrect thinking and make it possible for anyone reading the book to find true hope."

Kim Holet | Women’s Ministry Director, The Chapel, Buffalo, NY

"This book is exciting, encouraging, and challenging. Sarah Sumner has the ability to communicate to persons on all levels. I believe her voice is prophetic enough to stir many to stand for truth."


Jimmy L. Kirby | emeritus, Lexington Theological Seminary

"This book changed me. It is fresh, pithy, provocative, and important. I can’t wait for people to read it. Sumner tells us the truth in plain everyday language, yet with all the needed theological underpinnings. This book should become a bestseller."

Judy Klaustermeyer | Women’s Leadership Network Director, NW Division, Young Life

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506401850
  • eBook ISBN 9781506401867
  • Brand Theology for the People
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 196
  • Publication Date November 1, 2015