A Prayerbook for Husbands and Wives

Partners in Prayer

A Prayerbook for Husbands and Wives

Partners in Prayer

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A rich collection of prayers for all occasions, written by, and uniquely tailored for, husbands and wives to use together. In their engaging foreword, Walt and Ruthanne Wangerin describe their practice of prayer—and the important role prayer has played in their relationship. In addition, a brief introduction suggests helpful, creative ways spouses can use the book together.

With a wealth of read-aloud, read-together prayers for husbands and wives, this unique collection aims to make prayer a powerful joint activity that will weave strong relationships between the readers themselves and between the readers and God.


"This rich collection of prayers deserves a place in the home of every couple who is serious about cultivating spiritual intimacy. Walt and Thanne open the heart of their own marriage and give every couple inspiration, courage, and language to express the depths of their soul. This book has shown us anew the poignancy of prayer in our own relationship, and our marriage will never be the same."
-- Les and Leslie Parrott, author of Becoming Soul Mates

Table of Contents

Daily Living as Husband and Wife
Love and Loving
Times of Suffering
For the Faith of My Spouse
Roles as Children and Parents
Litanies for Special Occasions
A Yearly Retreat for Renewal
Prayer Index

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806640624
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 5.5
  • Pages 128
  • Publication Date July 26, 2000