Ending Hunger Now

A Challenge to Persons of Faith

Ending Hunger Now

A Challenge to Persons of Faith

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Ending Hunger Now brings together three powerful voices behind a shared conviction: that helping the millions who lack basic provision for food has become a religious imperative and human priority. Writing for congregations and individuals of faith, McGovern, Dole, and Messer appeal to the religious ethical foundations for action against hunger. Informative, inspiring, and filled with practical personal involvement and political commitment to the cause.

The Ending Hunger Now web site www.endinghungernow.org provides further information about the book, author bios, links to hunger organizations and networks, hunger events, suggestions on how hunger organizations and congregations can partner in this effort, and a discussion forum.

Companion Web site


"People of faith have the power to help shape our government's policies. Ending Hunger Now is an important tool in helping people of faith understand, and respond to, that responsibility."

— David Beckman, President, Bread for the World

"As this succinct, non-partisan book ably points out, there is no doubt that we are capable of ending hunger. Our belief in a loving and caring God demands that we end world hunger."

— Dean Hirsch, President, World Vision International

"If every congregation in America studied Ending Hunger Now: A Challenge to Persons of Faith, I believe we would meet that challenge in our time. The book not only is eye opening, it also opens the heart. In place of the inertia that sets in when we despair of change, the authors inspire hope that an end to hunger is in sight, convincing us to banish old excuses and 'make hunger history.'"

— Bob Edgar, General Secretary, National Council of Churches USA

"This is a compelling and authoritative work. These dedicated humanitarians argue that not only is ending hunger our most urgent task, it is also well within our reach. In a world that already produces enough food for every man, woman and child, it is simply unacceptable that 850 million people today still go hungry. This book offers sound judgment, clear solutions and pragmatic ways to move forward. It is essential reading for all people of faith and indeed for anyone who believes we can and should make the world a better place for all."

— James Morris, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme

"If every congregation in America studied Ending Hunger Now: A Challenge to Persons of Faith, I believe we would meet that challenge in our time. The book not only is eye opening, it also opens the heart. In place of the inertia that sets in when we despair of change, the authors inspire hope that an end to hunger is in sight, convincing us to banish old excuses and 'make hunger history.'"

— Bob Edgar, General Secretary, National Council of Churches USA

"Bob Dole and George McGovern challenge us to say good morning to 300-million hungry children...we are going to feed you today. This challenge to the community of faith can be solved. There is enough food in the world. We must have the will to get food into the hands of hungry children."

— Larry Jones, President/Cofounder, Feed the Children

"For people of faith, taking action to eradicate hunger is not an option. In this important book, George McGovern and Bob Dole model why people who may disagree on a whole range of issues must make common cause to end hunger now, precisely because it is central to what it means to live out one's faith."

— Rebecca Larson, Executive Director, Division for Church in Society, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

"The problem of hunger in God's world is not one of capacity; but will. For the person of faith, amelioraing this crisis must be perceived as a command from our Creator. This book provides a passionate proposal and inspirational guide to motivate us to be God's partners in the challenge of Ending Hunger Now."

— Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein, The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

"Ending Hunger Now is a power-filled, practical, non-partisan, people-centered, peace-making, perception-bashing production that is not only promising—but possible as well! It is much more than statistics because, as the African saying goes, 'It adds tears to the numbers!'

I commend the writers and the publisher for putting in our hands and hearts a plan to end hunger by 2030. And the only way to begin this journey of 'ending hunger now' is for you and especially me to 'end apathy now!'

An old saying about celebrating our gifts, while at the same time responding to the needs of people, simply states: 'Accept your fatness — and help skinny people get fat!' This resource pushes the reader to move on from global guilt trips to practical and doable ways to make the title of this book a reality! And it all starts with me — and you — now!"

— Dr. Rich Bimler, President, Wheat Ridge Ministries, www.wheatridge.org

"What a practical and encouraging book, especially for those of us who feel deeply but are not always so confident in our understanding of global issues. Armed with all the experience, wisdom, and inside information most of us lack, the authors make a great case for what I always hoped and suspected to be true: All we lack to end hunger are the moral conviction and the political will to do so, and generating that conviction and will is work we can all do, from wherever we stand, right now."

— Bart Campolo, Founder and Chaplain, Mission Year

"Ending Hunger Now will help create vision that will translate into compassion that will move individuals, congregations, businesses, and nations to action...and the results could change history, affecting millions of lives for the better!"

— Pastor Brian McLaren, Cedar Ridge Community Church,Spencerville, MD and author of A New Kind of Christian

"Justice to the poor and hungry is a litmus test of our faith. George McGovern, Bob Dole, and Donald Messer make this very clear, and just like Matthew 25, they are straightforward — Jesus asks us, 'Have you fed the hungry or not?' That hunger persists in our world of plenty is a profound moral failure of the human community. I have seen the many faces of hunger, and I have also seen the remarkable ways impoverished people with a little help can become self-sustaining. Their resilience and the continuing commitment of the faith community to live out their beliefs and challenge the social, political, and economic structures that perpetuate hunger and poverty give me hope that hunger will not have the last word. Read this book and take action." — Rev. John L. McCullough, Executive Director and CEO, Church World Service

"A call to persons of faith not only to feed the hungry, but to help those in the world's poorest nations gain the capacity to feed themselves."

— Paul Applegarth, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund, and former Chief Executive Officer, Millennium Challenge Corporation

"With messages that are provocative and engaging, the authors ask us to consider critically our comprehensive response to Jesus' exhortation to "give them something to eat." The good news, we learn, is that ending hunger now is within our reach; the challenge is to use our money and our voices to make it happen. For people of faith, this book offer realistic actions we can each take as we raise our collective voices against the scandalous reality of hunger in an abundant world."

— Kathryn Sime, Director, ELCA World Hunger & Disaster Appeal, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, www.elca.org/hunger

"This important book reminds us that we already have the resources to end hunger in our time. We just need the will. I hope it will be an education, inspiration, and call to action for readers everywhere."

— Marian Wright Edelman, CEO and Founder, Children's Defense Fund Logo is at www.childrensdefense.org

Table of Contents

Foreword by Bill Clinton
Introduction by Donald E. Messer
  1. The New Urgency of an Old Challenge
    Donald E. Messer

  2. Ending World Hunger: A Battle We Can Win
    George McGovern

  3. A Commitment to Ending Global Hunger
    Bob Dole

  4. Making Hunger History: A Trialogue
    George McGovern, Bob Dole, and Donald E. Messer

  5. More Than Random Acts of Kindness
    Donald E. Messer
Topical Index
Scriptural Index

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800637828
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 128
  • Publication Date September 15, 2005