Ethics in Business

Faith at Work

Ethics in Business

Faith at Work

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Noted ethicist James Childs shows how businesspeople can bring their religious convictions to bear on business life and economics without being overbearing, provincial, or dogmatic. Tackling such nettling topics as competition, regulation, environment, risk, truth-telling, whistle- blowing, leadership, discrimination, affirmative action, and conflict resolution, Childs is neither preachy nor simplistic. This is the book that will at last help businesspeople to push "beyond conventional morality" and infuse character into corporate culture.


"I welcome James Childs's book,Ethics in Business. He and I agree that ethics is the primary foundation for success in every career, that success comes from giving, not getting, and that every useful work is a ministry. I hope his work stimulates much reflection and discussion."
— Sir John M Templeton
"...creates a bridge between a Christian ethic of love and hope and a secular ethic of business."
— David Smith
Council for Ethics in Economics
"By reviewing core concepts of Christian theology and relocating them within familiar business contexts, James Childs provides many robust connections between faith and work. This book will be welcome to the many businesspeople seeking a greater religious relevance in their business lives."
— Dr. Laura L. Nash
author of Good Intentions Aside and Believers in Business

Table of Contents


  1. Bridging the Shareability Gap
  2. Business Ethics: A Growing Concern
    The Limits of Reason
    The Faith Connection
    The Shareability Gap
    Bridging the Shareability Gap

  3. From Being a Nobody to Being a Somebody
  4. The Threat of Being a Nobody
    To Be Somebody: The Universal Priesthood
    Vocation and Occupation: From Self to Service
    From Self to Service: Ambition Transvalued
    Ethics as Witness

  5. The Not-So-Secular World
  6. Our Modern Heritage of Ethical Uncertainty
    Ethics in a Pluralistic World
    Pluralism and the Christian Witness
    Rationalism, Reason, and Religion: Transitional Comments

  7. From Dualism to Dialogue
  8. Can We Talk? A Model for Dialogue
    Economic Life and the Reign of God
    Dialogue: Communication and Strategy

  9. Beyond the Moral Minimum
  10. Formed by Love: The Extra Mile
    Informed by Love: Beyond the Moral Minimum
    Love, Beneficence, and Business
    The Case of Pacific Bell: AIDS and the Extra Mile
    A Covenantal Model for Business Ethics

  11. Beyond Leadership to Servant Leadership
  12. The Importance of Character
    Business Leadership and Christian Servanthood
    Instrumental Value and Leadership Skills
    Character and Corporate Culture
    Conscience or Calculation

  13. Beyond Affirmative Action
  14. The Harsh Reality of Persistent Racism
    Affirmative Action: Briefly Told
    Affirmative Action: Contribution and Limitation
    Beyond Affirmative: Action: Industry and Diversity
    The Quest for a Workable Androgyny

  15. Beyond Mere Survival
  16. An Unholy Alliance
    Beyond Development to Sustainable Development
    From Strategy to Ethics
    An Ethic of Value: Discerning the Good in Hope
    An Ethic of Morns

  17. Beyond Charity
  18. Dialogical Ethics
    Blowing the Whistle: Truth Telling and Conflict
    Expanding the Dailogue

  19. Beyond the Company Walls
  20. New Coalitions for New Insights
    The Church in Global Dialogue
    The Limits of Dialogue: Conscience and Confrontation
    The Real and the Really Real


Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800629083
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 176
  • Publication Date September 14, 1995