Long Ago God Spoke

How Christians May Hear the Old Testament Today

Long Ago God Spoke

How Christians May Hear the Old Testament Today

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How can we get beyond perceived barriers and find in the Old Testament the speech of God for today? Is there something more than antiquarian interest in these ancient writings? What do we do with the battles, the worldview, expressions of the whole range of human emotions, patriarchal assumptions, genealogies, signs and wonders, the wrath of God, prophetic oracles, sacrifices, and predictions of disaster?

William Holladay offers clear and sage guidance for these and a host of other questions and topics in this useful book, which functions as an innovative introduction to the Old Testament and its theology.


"Holiday writes for those who believe and want help with their unbelief, for Christians not willing to ignore the Old Testament because much is hard to understand. He shows how the Old Testament is like many facets of a diamond, not to be smoothed out to resemble a pearl. A dedicated master shares insights from many years of study and teaching."
--Thomas H. Trapp
Concordia College
St. Paul

Product Info

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800628840
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 368
  • Publication Date October 23, 1995