Leah Rampy

Leah Rampy is a writer and retreat leader who weaves ecology, spirituality, and stories to encourage deeper connections to the natural world and strengthen the ties between Earth and the human soul. She is the author of Earth and Soul: Reconnecting amid Climate Chaos. She has led spiritual pilgrimages, retreats, and seminars and is founder and leader of Church of the Wild Two Rivers. She holds a PhD in curriculum from Indiana University, has taught in public schools and universities, held leadership roles in Fortune 100 companies, and headed a nonprofit organization dedicated to contemplative living and leadership. Rampy resides with her husband in a cohousing community in West Virginia.

Website: leahmoranrampy.com

Substack: leahrampy.substack.com

Instagram: @leahrampy

LinkedIn: /leahrampy

Books by Leah Rampy